Thank you for visiting us at Mind-Body-Science. It’s time for you to relax! De-stress! To experience cutting-edge technology that will allow you to re-balance and begin enjoying your life again.
Mind-Body-Science pulls together the traditions and practices of Reiki, Biofeedback and Equine Assisted Learning and combines them with the latest technologies and principles of HeartMath™ and Bio-Well Scanning. The Bio-Well is used to visualize and monitor your emotional state, energy state and stress levels. We also offer Trauma Release Exercises (TRE™).
These therapies help you to de-stress and tune into your body to reduce pain and clear mental blockages. That way, you can better focus on your goals, improve your relationships and enhance your performance, whether related to work, sport, or self-improvement.
Dr. Baldwin is a Reiki Master (Usui and Karuna), and a certified HeartMath™ trainer, Bio-Well advanced specialist and TRE Level 1 Facilitator. She uses knowledge from her career in physiology (how the body works) to ensure that these mind-body techniques and adjustments will work precisely for you.
Monitoring your physiology is key to acknowledging and shifting your mind-body state so it serves you better.
To learn more about the Mind-Body-Science therapies, please click on sidebars, “Ways to Relax and De-stress” and “Bio-Well Scanning.”
All sessions and workshops (except equine) take place at Intestinal Health Institute, 4427 East 5th St., Tucson AZ 85711. Reiki, Biofeedback and Equine Assisted Learning seminars and group workshops are also available for businesses, institutes and other groups.
Learn how it feels to receive Reiki Insights from our recent large-scale study. View slide presentation. Experience of Receiving Reiki
Read Ann Baldwin’s new book, The Vagus Nerve in Therapeutic Practice. Working with Clients to Manage Stress and Enhance Mind-Body Function. Go to books page for details and to order a copy – or order here. Ann Baldwin’s first book, Reiki in Clinical Practice. A science-based guide is also for sale on books page.
New published scientific paper on “How horses benefit people in assisted living” Download here
The Mind-Body-Science Mission
As a consultant, teacher and researcher, Ann Baldwin, PhD explains the science behind Reiki and Biofeedback, gives practical demonstrations so you can see and feel them working, and then teaches you how to make them work for yourself. She aims to help you Bring out the Beauty in you and all you do.